Whoopi Goldberg, Alkar & The Trump Exodus

what u gonna do? When God Emperor Trump mania runs wild on U?
Alkar can feel America’s pain with his empathic gift. Whoopi is a black Hebrew. The current Israeli regime sterilizes African Jews.
What will happen if Trump is re-elected? R the stars gonna leave Trump’s Federal Reserve Casino economy?

Gainan is Angelina’s nurse in “Girl Interuppted”. Mary love Angelina. Doesn’t want to see her cut up like a Virginia Ham on Thanksgiving by some quackefeller doctor.

who built the best castle of all? Of all the kings of all the empires? That’s right Ludwig the nut who wasn’t a psychopathic military conquerer. Disney based their castle after Ludwig’s Bavarian enlightened design.

dona eis pax aeterna

et lux perputua

anges dei


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Suspicious Deaths & Suicides of 2018

They are in Elysium with their Families. Roman Empire Catholicism believe in heaven. Jews don’t believe in afterlife so they choose earthly riches instead of riches from heaven.

The Illuminati is my Church’s arch enemy. Or so I’ve heard in Robert Langdon Tom Hanks movies.

salva me rex tremendae

salva mae

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Rothschild’s Tithe

Rothschld wants to tithe 10 percent. I want a negative interest rate jacob. so u can build your wonders and win the game of Civilization. Bottle caps are better currency than gold or silver. JFK died for silver like jezu….

“Come now, and let us reason together,” saith the Lord. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they … Isaiah

come now rothschild. i hear u r worth 500 trillion? u gonna give me 10 percent for your soul back? U owe me 50 trillion Rothschild

U best unfuck yourself R or u will end up like the other R who thinks he is a demi god

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