Posted on March 9, 2019Mischa Barton & The End of the World Mischa knows my father is angry but.. Psalm 103 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever. What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)Interesting (0)Useful (0)Boring (0)Sucks (0)
Posted on March 2, 2019MAD Max & The Redemption of the Jews If we nuked the world it wouldn’t be no mad max shit. it would be the 1% hiding underground using their nuetron bombs.nuclear winter for a thousand years..research the neutron bomb and ultimate victory…it would B MAD mutual assured destruction……….the illuminait masonic zionist snake kept us from nuking each other. it used to be a bipolar century last millenium…MAD mutual assured destruction Max.salamshalommir What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)Interesting (0)Useful (0)Boring (0)Sucks (0)
Posted on March 2, 2019Britney Spears & Freedom of Currency Shell money is a medium of exchange similar to coinmoney and other forms of commodity money, and was once commonly used in many parts of the world.Shell money usually consisted either of whole seashells or pieces of them, which were often worked into beads or were otherwise artificially shaped. Norma Jean…Britney Spears…shell…where she get her ideas..MM What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)Interesting (0)Useful (0)Boring (0)Sucks (0)