Genesis & the Forgiveness of Homosexuality

When God placed Adam and Eve in the garden, He commanded them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion” over all creation (Genesis 1:28).


The world was a different place in 33 BC. There were large houses and open spaces. Today we are packed into cities and overcrowded. This is God’s sign to the homosexuals that they should adopt one or two or three of the 3 billion children living on a dollar a day. Most of the world lives in abject poverty unlike the Western G7 nations.

Ave Regina Mundi Mater Mary

dona eis wunderkinder.

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Nelly Saved My Life

Nelly Saved my life at Millennium. She came in my dreams and made me Jukic my GF in my sleep.

She’s a nice Nelly. If she didn’t sing Yugoslavia would of been beginning of WWIII. I owe her my life. She turned me from a pawn into a player.


Illuminati want to divide us. Black against White. Gay against Straight. Male against Female. Croat vs Serb. Socialist vs Capitalist. Republican vs Democrat. And so on…

 By this plan we direct all mankind in this manner. And, by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. — Adam Weishaupt.

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Stacey Dash & Pyramid Schemes

Let’s talk about Hitler’s Pyramid Scheme and the rule of 72. Hitler charged 2 percent interest. So, according 2 Einstein, Hitler would own the whole Reich in 36 years.

Rothschild & His International Banksters run the Fed. They are considering a negative interest rate. So they can spend their gains from their swindle of the American taxpayer, Joe the Plumber.


I can hear Stacey prayers in my Malkovich head. Go to the 71/2 floor Stacey. .

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