War Pigs & The Worker’s Paradise

Gary Allen and Larry Abraham’s best-selling None Dare Call It Conspiracy (1971). Citing no sources at all, Allen and Abraham explored the “strange event”, which supposedly took place in “October 1964” when David Rockefeller apparently had a “vacation” in the Soviet Union. Having got these basic facts wrong – Rockefeller actually visited the USSR in July, not October, and never claimed to be on vacation – they resorted to conjecture:

A few days after Rockefeller ended his “vacation” in the Kremlin, Nikita Khrushchev was recalled from a vacation at a Black Sea resort to learn that he had been fired. How strange! As far as the world knew, Khrushchev was the absolute dictator of the Soviet government and, more important, head of the Communist Party which runs the USSR. Who has the power to fire the man who was supposedly the absolute dictator? Did David Rockefeller journey to the Soviet Union to fire an employee? Obviously the position of premier in the Soviet Union is a figurehead with the true power residing elsewhere. Perhaps in New York. (p107).


In the War Pigs video do you see a Communist DIctator in charge of the Motherland’s Workers Paradise? Nay, I say, It’s a business man in a straight suit. Tomorrow’s straight jacket’s today’s straight suit. Batman would put the Rockefellons in Arkham Asylum for protocol 16 brainwashing into goodness instead of diabolical evil.

The woman’s hoodwink/blindfold is removed as she climbs the Masonic steps. The Fraternal order of Police prepared to shoot her for her insolence. But she is full of love for her people and shows no fear.

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JCVD & Lukas


Lukas is a liar. The only thing i did to Lukas was draw hugh morris cartoon of the Polish and their Polish Pope Pride. Sister Helen said I was the ringleader of bullying Lukas when it was Miguel Neves. Miguel Neves put the poop in his pocket. I played chess with Luscious and other kids were jealous. Lukas hated chess and preferred Castlevania game


everyone gets beat up at richards on richards. I got beat up and rat packed but Gospa and Pink gave me revenge on bully. The HA bully quit gang banging after that. Luscious was also a subgenius. Discovered Oh Henry’s Chocalate Shizer BLackmaile

Lucious Lukas quote, “WHAT IF I POOPED ON YOUR NOSE?”


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Brad & Angie’s Recoupling

U get secret marriage in Fatima Church Pitt…No matter how Weinstein blackmailed U.

no matter how many racial slurs he recorded


Tyler Durden sez let the chips fall where they may…Read post about bugs in the house. Young Pope will remarry u if you give up the Judas sheckels to your hungry family. Live on the kindness of strangers. Every stranger knows u both and loves U. U don’t need money when u look like that honey…google those lyrics

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