The Devil’s Picture Book

the devil will try to categorize and label u

INSANE like the FOOL

or PIUS like the POPE

even the G emperor trump is just a puppet on the devil’s string

old man Jake Rothschild nephew David De Rothschild is here to save you though

Plastic Jesus and Plastic Madonna

NONBIODEGRADABLE ending to the once great planet earth


make earth great again

o nomine patre

i filio

i spiritus sancti


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Fire on Babylon (Sinead)

Sinead’s Prophecy

Fair Babylon U destroyer

Isaiah 33:1

When you are done destroying, you will be destroyed. When you are done betraying, you will be betrayed. 

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Modern Jesus Mindset

In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man”

– not one man nor a group of men, but in all men!

In you!

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