Ej Moj Narode: From Hell

From Hell: A Freemason’s Lament

Beneath the moon, where shadows creep,
In silent halls, our secrets sleep.
By compass drawn and square aligned,
We guard the truths the dark confines.

A whispered vow, a sacred light,
Bound by oaths in blackened night.
The craft we weave, both old and vast,
Through ages forged to ever last.

Stone by stone, we shaped the earth,
A brotherhood of hidden worth.
Yet whispers call from realms unknown,
A curse, a price for what we’ve sown.

From hell it stirs, the pact we made,
Through flames and ash, our paths were laid.
The builder’s art, the blood-stained scroll,
What cost for power, eternal toll?

Beneath the temple, shadows swell,
Freemasons’ secrets—keys to hell.
But tread not close, for doors once wide,
Can never close when you’ve stepped inside.

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