
There is much speculation as to who the 24 elders in Revelation are. They are seated on thrones, dressed in white robes, wearing crowns and constantly …


24 Protocols = 24 Elders = 24 Hours in a Day.

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3 Replies to “Zion”

  1. REVELATION 2:9 “I know your tribulation and poverty, but you are rich.
    I know the slander of those who claim to be Jews and are not,
    but rather are members of the assembly of Satan.

    This book seems Satanic, not Jewish. It is a Machiavellian Masonic, Illuminati Luciferian plan. Hence the Satanic snake symbolism.

  2. REVELATION 3:9 Behold, I will make those of the assembly of
    Satan who claim to be Jews and are not,
    but are lying, behold I will make them
    come and fall prostrate at your feet,
    and they will realize that I love you.

    Your Croatian Universal soldier is completely insane. I am DEAD.

    This picture on my death bed PROVES IT!

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