The 144K left their mental health memes on Facebook. Here they are. I want him off the drugs as soon as possible.
Croatian Catholic Church Blog
The 144K left their mental health memes on Facebook. Here they are. I want him off the drugs as soon as possible.
black chyna’s good mental health meme
who are the masters of puppets?
Rothschild’s banker gang have been the masters of puppets since the Napoleonic war…Jewish Psychiatrists cower in fear of their self declared King of the Jews
Rothschild won’t give anything away for free. Just like a little child
and justice 4 all
not just the Jews
see this napster shit…it wasn’t freeware…that kid who made the code wanted to turn it into an illumicorp spin off
he was making money from napster ads….was gonna be bigger ripoff than youtube, spotify or any other streaming BS
Yes joe, it was gonna be a megacorp…not communism/sharing….if it was altruism those two nerds would share their code…real hackers share code