i only trust my angel friends….i want them to EMP the room…clear our heads
and drive away the alien phantom menace/gathering shadow
Croatian Catholic Church Blog
i only trust my angel friends….i want them to EMP the room…clear our heads
and drive away the alien phantom menace/gathering shadow
they don’t want to be named, zed, cali, teen, but they are the only ones who believe in the p2 pyramid of darkness….italy is the center of EU…starts with liberation of Milan
DON’T ENVY….i didn’t forget u guys….you know who you are…bringing all the star pussy to u….for the weinstein les grossman protection
i know chico…i know george…i was older….east van knows me
and the women think clark parkers and angels are the bad guys…weinstein masons/illuminati the heroes….c’mon broads….come with us back to east van….take our turf back…lend us the sheckels interest free
tom cruise wasn’t a CHIMO child molester…he was just childish cuz the reading world was alien and dyslexic
he taught me to climb
to fight
to throw ninja stars
be a ghostbuster
a karate kid
a bee keeper
a transformer
a duke of hazard
andy griffith show
return of the jedi
etc etc etc
most importantly how to FISH dipstick
so the fish were starving
i jizzed
and volia simpsons and conan o’brien won’t forget my MEM most embarassing east van moment
i want to go on ELLEN with u and talk about how the only industry in the EU mafia is crack cocaine from dubya bush and the CIA
Pope’s advice is to use signal app for privacy ..all you low level gangsters remember big short and Pitt lake… maybe he will get official Vatican apology and absolution
There is probably secret illuminati sounds of him insulting every race creed color and religion
The reason for brad Pitt s cowardice when it comes to illuminati abuse of his entire city los ANGELES
Weinstein is no more
I want to give the pussy riot the Stalingrad Jewish treatment for women
So I will write a script treatment
We want to ban the word pussy
I know I show my flower
P u s st
We banned
F a g
That way u will all be pussies and fags
Like the film actors Guild with their powers to make sure you never have the balls to see Anakin Skywalker gathering shadow of 15
It’s against the rules to call each other pussies and fags cuz the first step of beating the Cobra p2 is having the cajones balls to see it
First step is to see it especially the secret covenant
these are the the four horsmen of social darwinism in wizard of oz of the banksters
on the road to hell…paved with good intentions…but they have no brians, no heart, and no courage…especially veterans after anthrax vaxx and depleted uranium and constant porn and hookers overseas
u gonna let me die curious GEORGE? after all me u putin the cia and the KGB have been through? The requiem about the sinful man is about you the PUPPET….i don’t think the people will forgive old man rothschild running around in a red devil suit killing innocent people….dubya tried….to cut his own strings…tried to tell u he is a scapeGOAT on 911
that was when i was in croatia……1998….98 veterans