Joe’s Witch Hunt: The True Story

It started with inspection of Abraham’s book store where he tried to peddle me Aleister Crowley books.
On the night of the black sabbath i went to inspect the Fatima church on 13th street, the occult satanists favorite number.

The women of East Van/Stalingrad had bicycles with lights, a pair of women, who told me their children were in the church. I RATTLED ON THE BARS WITH IRON ROD!!!

I told the Black Sabbath/Black Mass occultists NO MORE!!! THIS IS THE END!!! loud with Charleton Heston moses voice. They were coming in taxi cabs on the witching hour. I was screaming about Jesuits, cuz I was new Jesuit General. I went home and came back with gasoline to scare the witches and warlocks. NOBODY GOT HURT. They were SCARED STRAIGHT. Gospa/Nossa Senhora told me to make a scene so the neighborhood would wake up. The COVEN, witches/warlocks term for the 13 members of an occult Black Sabbath were stuck inside. The women were outside. I came back in the morning and put YOUNG POPE blessing on church baptized with fire and saw the chestnuts they were throwing. No OMERTA/CODE OF SILENCE u black magicians. I saw sex kitten Joelene/Joanne in the neighborhood but she refuses to RAT OUT. Won’t even eat with us because of her guilt.

Not like the old days for Satanists in Salem. More like Days of Our Lives Salem shizer. Soap opera shit. The Holy Roman Church vs Satan’s minions.

Who was hell created for?

Dr Kidman the Kidnapper. Nicole Kidman says Aquaman is supposed to defend u all. White, Black, Red, Yellow or even blue like the Na’vi.

In Matthew 25:41 the Bible says, “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” On the other hand, Matthew 25:33-34 points out that those who choose Christ will “inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” The original purpose of hell and its fire was for the ultimate destruction of Satan, sin, and his angels. Only after this cleaning of fire can all the tears be wiped from the eyes of the saved.


Abraham reveals the Red Shield ringleader in this video. He confessed to me. So Pax/Mir Paz in the neighborhood. 2013 was his confession. He is a wise man, but because of Red shield’s financial tyranny he gets played like a puppet by these Satanists.

“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13)

Every person, even the most godly Christian believer, at least occasionally commits acts of sin–sins of omission, if not sins of commission. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8).

When a Christian does sin, the remedy is available. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This forgiveness is based on the fact that “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).


We forgive and help each other. Our Neighborhood is a microcosm of the World. Live and Let Live. We stop selling each other out for 30 Judas coins. 30 bucks an hour after taxes is 15 dollars an hour. The wage hasn’t changed in 30 years but the price of living has increased and there is 2 percent inflation every year. Enough studying Voodoo, start studying HW Bush’s voodoo economics. HW is a bad man and his CIA brotherhood of death is the real reason our hood is so fracked.

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7 Replies to “Joe’s Witch Hunt: The True Story”

  1. Christ avatar is Young Pope playing with you. It’s been 2000 years since Christ. 3000 years since King Solomon’s snake protocols. U racists gotta accept the African blood of Judah they have. The Judah blood gives u all the healing Jesus Powers….UN bankrupt like our priests…Church’s half empty…trying to start a revival

  2. i gave mex patient who hears our lady of guadalupe shirt. the red one. he gave me 10 north american union shekels

    What is revival biblical definition?

    an awakening, in a church or community, of interest in and care for matters relating to personal religion. an evangelistic service or a series of services for the purpose of effecting a religious awakening: to hold a revival.

  3. Young Pope’s nostrum on masturbation is once a month…bill yukich agrees…u can’t walk around or ride transit with erection or hard nipples all the time…NF live by the moon HP teaching…1 egg a month 13 eggs a year

  4. Azorean rex…secret codename gets this protools shit next…how timberlake makes sexy back voice

    The upper limit for a Pro Tools system is 768 voiced audio tracks, but the number of voices available in the system as a whole is hardware-dependent. HDX systems with a single card, HD Native systems and software-only Pro Tools Ultimate systems are restricted to 256 voices at 44.1 and 48 kHz.

  5. nelly is main actress in the Webpocalypse

    Kane and coelho have to make peace to build the wonder for the kenyans

    coelho is network master…kane is good at wordpress….Gi joe is good at hacking software so every child can dreamweave/photoshop/fruity loop

    bill gates villain has software monopoly…no competition like coke vs pepsi

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