LA Furtado & The Early Years of Jesus

Optimus Rhyme, poet at Cafe 1919, healed his pain through Yoga.
The Fatima priests hate the Hindus at the Virgin Mary’s Shrine.


Revelation 21:4: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed …

This verse is why Illuminated Freemason, HW Bush, gave his New World Order Speech. The older Lisbon sister is vital to the healing effort. Yoga is not Satanic, but because Aleister Crowley taught Yoga, the practice has a bad reputation.

Matthew 10:8 Freely you have received; freely give.

Most of the sick can’t afford a good doctor, or pay for Yoga lessons. So we are waiting for a good Samaritan. Not Bill Gates’ Bogus Time Magazine cover. We are waiting for Pro Bono morning Yoga in East Van.

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32 Replies to “LA Furtado & The Early Years of Jesus”

  1. Nelly says NO MORE PICKING ON MONIZ….u knew his white truck was fake white horse

    see wynona moniz….if we saw the DARPA all seeing eye footage of wynona the white truck maybe ryder would love u…the laser was to make u understand that laser surgery is bogus….we are gonna EXcercise your eyes back from sloth mode

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