Nelly Furtado & Kylie Minogue’s Duet

Kylie’s Dream is to hug and borat kiss the Michelangelo face

I had the demon of pride in me back then = Lucifer

the demon of greed before Taylor Swift’s the giver movie = mammon

7 deadly sins

Orthodox Christianity wants the Beard…Catholics: Clean shaven Roman


U gotta be in Europe to hug and kiss like a European…XO….Nelly’s XO’s take away the anxiety and fear from the men. Men kissing men isn’t gay in europe.

Kylie & NF’s duet kiboshed by Lou Cypher avatar. Moses = Jesus’ Boss, Jesus = Joe’s Boss.

Don’t doubt it….Don’t be no Doubting Thomas.

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4 Replies to “Nelly Furtado & Kylie Minogue’s Duet”

  1. The original notion of a vicar is as an “earthly representative of Christ”, but it’s also used in the sense of “person acting as parish priest in place of a real person.”

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