Remember This? Jim Cramer: “Bear Stearns Is Fine. Do Not …
Brad Pitt Is Opening a $1.9 Billion Resort In Croatia!!!
BP is the QB 2 u stsars, i’m the coach…catch that next bank run hail mary throw
Croatian Catholic Church Blog
Brad Pitt Is Opening a $1.9 Billion Resort In Croatia!!!
BP is the QB 2 u stsars, i’m the coach…catch that next bank run hail mary throw
Angelina paid for her Illuminati sacrifice sins. She paid with blood and organs from Dr. Quackefeller. Stop your alpha dogging in BS hollywood. (Brad Pitt on Kids and Paparazzi: “We’re hunted.”) Your 21 Jump street family will shield you from paparazzi. Gareth BAAL on Kanye’s BS and go to Tom Cruise’s old church before he got Mimi Rogers Playmate honeytrap in Scientology.
Agnes Dei
Dona Eis Brad Pitt pax aeterna
et lux aeterna
U get secret marriage in Fatima Church Pitt…No matter how Weinstein blackmailed U.
no matter how many racial slurs he recorded
Tyler Durden sez let the chips fall where they may…Read post about bugs in the house. Young Pope will remarry u if you give up the Judas sheckels to your hungry family. Live on the kindness of strangers. Every stranger knows u both and loves U. U don’t need money when u look like that honey…google those lyrics