Shannon Elizabeth wants humane zoos instead of trump casinos in Sim City. Syrian refugees are in my neighborhood. Psalm 1984. Muslims were framed in 9/11 attacks. It was an Israeli false flag.

U met the ricker eh shannon? What’s that aboot eh?
California is just gonna burn harder next year. The stars have to come to Hollywood NOrth and let the grass and dandelions grow. That’s NF’s revolution. Portugal used carnations in one of their revolutions. NF wants dandelion. Lenny = Nelly with extra n. n for nice.
Antichrist David De Rothschild cries when people fly. That’s why his family ordered TSA molestation.
1 vacation a year when the kids r out of school. Let the walt whitman grass grow. Avert global warming.
The ricker is one of my cardinals like Pat Tillman the football player.
Ave maria
dona eis requiem rex tremendae