Posted on October 27, 2019Vampire Truth Are Vampires Real? UB the Judge. What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)Interesting (0)Useful (0)Boring (0)Sucks (0)
Posted on March 2, 2019MAD Max & The Redemption of the Jews If we nuked the world it wouldn’t be no mad max shit. it would be the 1% hiding underground using their nuetron bombs.nuclear winter for a thousand years..research the neutron bomb and ultimate victory…it would B MAD mutual assured destruction……….the illuminait masonic zionist snake kept us from nuking each other. it used to be a bipolar century last millenium…MAD mutual assured destruction Max.salamshalommir What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)Interesting (0)Useful (0)Boring (0)Sucks (0)