What does 2 Peter 1:19 mean?

Too much PRIDE is HUBRIS. But, Pride is the only sin that is good in small amounts. I can only take the Fox network’s Lucifer TV show in small amounts.

The “transfiguration” was the moment witnessed by Peter, James, and John when Christ was revealed in His bright and shining glory (Luke 9:28–36). The voice of God from heaven declared that Jesus is His Son (2 Peter 1:16–18). The reality of that event confirms the Old Testament prophecies. Peter has the privilege of eyewitness testimony, of both that single event and all of Jesus’ other signs. This vindicates everything which had been written about the Messiah by the prophets of old.

Many of those prophesies were fulfilled with the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Other prophecies are yet to be fulfilled. We still live in a world of darkness. But those prophecies about Jesus, including the ones about His return as judge and king, are a lamp in our darkness. They encourage us, lead us, and educate us. But these lamps, those prophecies, will no longer be needed when the day comes, when Christ returns.

Peter describes Jesus as the morning star, a name also used of Him in Revelation 22:16. Jesus will bring lasting light to the world and also to our hearts.

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Madonna’s Honesty

Unlike Trump the Terrible Madonna admits she’s a sinner


Her biggest sin is LUST. She has humility that counteracts Trump’s PRIDE/EGO/HUBRIS

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