Circumcision Safety

Jews were a desert people

when the romans built their aquaduct circumcision for the RICH wasn’t necessary


Still, some experts have said that circumcision prevents penile cancer. In the US, the risk of penile cancer is low even among uncircumcised men.

israel has running water now. Joe the plumber installed. so keep your foreskin & teach your child to wash his penis

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5 Replies to “Circumcision Safety”

  1. Let go of the Keys jay zed…elvis presley’s ghost says put u in jail for a millenium unless u give Paris back the keys….i hate fucking pimps….but zed ain’t as big a pimp as Donald trump the miss america pimp

  2. all Jay z and guy ritchie have to do is convert to islam and give their neighborhoods interest free loans….most muslims are circumcised because they are a DESERT PEOPLE LIKE THE JEWS


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