Forever Angel (Judgment Day)

Psalm 141 To ward against terror and fear and against looming oppression.

Well, the cops are taking over, while everyone’s doing yoga – LG quote

been a prospect since kindergarten, but it takes years, even decades to earn their trust.


music can harm or heal….made m x said myopia wear eye patch….sorry flowers for algernon pharma drug passout

Veterans, former soldiers on motorbikes. If we had that water powered bike we could go anywhere, anytime.

ghost rider wants a backup of video
backed it up incase youtube gives him the BOOT
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6 Replies to “Forever Angel (Judgment Day)”

  1. (Police) State terrorism – Wikipediaen….gladio in italy EU

    Military actions primarily directed against non-combatant targets have also been referred to as state terrorism. For example, the bombing of Guernica has been called an act of terrorism. Other examples of state terrorism may include the World War II bombings of Pearl Harbor, London, Dresden, Chongqing, and Hiroshima.

  2. the old man prisoner taught the Count of monte christo economics

    put in more than 10% of the money then take it out…..while short selling the bank stock

    and all the assets of the bank will be yours like in the alexander dumas book

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