Kristin Kruek & Social Credit

Notice the Superman logo for helping somebody on the street with a bit of change.
Tom Welling got kicked off the show back in the day for his lack of “social credit”. In BC, Dutchman Bill Vanderzalm was our social credit Politician.
The scar on Vincent’s face is same as the Cult leader branding KK got against her will. Smallville superman feigns ignorance to hide his cowardly behavior. Ignorance ain’t bliss. It’s cowardice.
Jesus healed with alien intervention. The KK bus ride was all aboot the healing. No fornication just healing. She was under age of consent.
There are benevolent aliens (healing aliens) & malevolent (destoyer aliens). The angel aliens will heal u if u r a social credit to your society. If u r bad like NXIM cult leader u get destroyed.
Even the XCOM project can heal people with bad backs…they can remove the metal in her spine.
David Guggenheim’s Waiting for “Superman” looks at how the American public school system is failing its students.
She’s a Chromium 6 superhero now, and Fighting the insane Vaxxers kill our children.


If we don’t stop dumping this toxic waste, rev 16 dead ocean will be fulfilled.
They give me Toxic Pharma drugs to kill GI Joe. The death of the good shepherd.

Complete and utter destruction of the world. David De Rothschild (Plastic Jesus)’s plan is to go find and another Avatar movie planet to rape. Just like his family raped our Home planet. U R Fools illuminatus’s, u will most likely encounter a planet that can wipe out your star drek, starship Pedoprize.

Agnes Dei

Don eis Dolce Vita


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