NF Down to Hold Hands?

I had crush on NF ever since 1989 square dance.
I confessed NF. If you are so holy u would go back to church and help drive out the masonic demons. You would be down to hold hands like back in the day..
There are many Hell’s angels that are especially protective of children. 


So where did the name Hell’s Angels really come from? The motorcycle club’s official history says it comes from a World War II veterans.

Gulf war vets slowly dying from Anthrax Vaccines and Depleted Uranium Munitions. Tom Cruise was a prospect during Golden Age of Clark Park.

A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test.

Watch Johnny Depp in “From Hell” to see how the Illuminati keep the cops under control. The Fraternal Order of Police turns a blind eye to the child abuse for Judas Coins/Loonies.

Deus Meus

Dona eis veritas

at lux aeterna


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17 Replies to “NF Down to Hold Hands?”

  1. 2 Corinthians 6:14

    Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

    I went to Atheistic/Satanistic poetry slam…calling it quits…NF was always reading gospels with holier than thou attitude…who’s gonna save me from medical tyranny?

  2. Psalm 103:3 He who forgives all your iniquities, and heals all your diseases…some don’t believe in Daniel Veggie fast

    In the Spring of 1916, an angel taught the children of Fatima this prayer, repeating it three times: My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You. I ask pardon for all those who do not believe in You, do not adore You, do not hope in You, and do not love You.

  3. Anne Catherine Emmerich and Notre Dame

    I’m reading Anne Catherine’s visions, and came across this last night, just in the ordinary course of my reading:

    “I had a vision of a church with a high, elaborate tower, in a great city on a mighty river. The patron of the church is St. Stephen, by whom I saw another saint who was martyred after him. Around the church I saw many very distinguished people, among them some strangers with aprons and trowels who appeared about to pull down the church with the beautiful tower and slate roof. People from all parts were gathered there, among them priests and even religious, and I was so distressed that I called to my Lord for assistance. Xavier with the cross in his hand had once been all powerful, the enemy ought not to be allowed to triumph now! Then I saw five men going into the church, three in heavy antique vestments like priests, and two very young ecclesiastics who seemed to be in Holy Orders. I thought these two received Holy Communion, and that they were destined to infuse new life into the Church.

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