Pope Pius XIII and Heavy Burdens

Matthew 23:4  They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

I am heavy debt. U can never pay me.

1913 was the start of the Federal Reserve and Income tax. 1916 was the War Tax in Canada.

Isaiah 11:6 “a little child shall lead them”

Victoria and Greta seem to be leading now. Whoa to our leaders.  Isaiah cries out, “Woe Nelly! 

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6 Replies to “Pope Pius XIII and Heavy Burdens”

  1. Personal message about pain (Jesus and the Money Changers)
    Sinéad O’Connor

    Produced by Sinéad O’Connor
    Album Am I Not Your Girl?

    I am not a liar, and I’m not full of hatred
    But I hate lies and so the liars hate me
    The same who can’t stand the sight of a starving baby?
    Can you really say you’re not in pain like me?
    Are any of us not living painfully?
    Pain is what their lies have kept us in
    But the war has started now, and truth will win
    Many of us are gonna lose our lives and that’s okay
    Because to live we have to die
    The enemies of God will say it’s chaos
    Just remember what Jesus did in the temple
    And be patient
    Exactly why do you think he was assassinated?

    Who was it that did the dirty deed?
    Who didn’t like the answers they’d received?
    Look at the one wearing the collar
    Then or now, there’s only ever been one liar
    And it’s the Holy Roman Empire
    And this is exactly what they did
    They told us lies to take us away from God
    So yeah, I am angry
    But I’m not full of hate
    I am full of love
    God said “I bring not peace, I bring a sword”

  2. FALSE

    anne catherine emmerich told truth about what is destroying the Roman Catholic Church

    Sinead is wrong GI joe….the real moneychanger destroyers are the men of 666…mason mason mason…like lucia friday the 13th jason jason jason

  3. James Mayer de Rothschild, head of the Rothschild banking family of France (Banque Rothschild), became the official Papal banker. 1832

    The Pope of Greenwich Village (1984) Eric Roberts as Paulie. … I took two-hundred from shylocks, pop, to see Sinatra at the Garden? Sat two seats away from …

    Synagogue of Satan took our King for a 30 sheckel loan to judas….

  4. what father of fatma spoke today: Book of Matthew:

    Signs of the End of the Age
    24:4Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come.…

  5. vain egotistical messiahs…no free ride u gotta pay

    THIS is the young pope’ real revelation teaching the 144,000 poor and humble chosen ones

    the rev 11 christs who destroy those who destroy the earth

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